What are the guidelines for sausages?
Apr. 29, 2024
Safe Handling of Sausages & Hot Dogs - HGIC@clemson.edu
Selecting the Best Sausage
There are so many varieties of sausages! How long can you store them—and where? Are they fully cooked or not? The following background information will answer these questions and others. Use the storage chart as a guideline for proper handling.
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Types of Sausages: Sausages are either ready to eat or not. They can be made from red meat, poultry, or a combination. Uncooked sausages include fresh (bulk, patties, or links) and smoked sausages. Ready-to-eat sausages are dry, semi-dry, and/or cooked. Dry sausages may be smoked, unsmoked, or cooked. Semi-dry sausages are usually heated in the smokehouse to fully cook the product and partially dry it.
Sausage Labeling Information: Let the label be your guide to sausage selection, handling, and — if applicable — cooking. It will list the safe handling and cooking instructions, the nutrient content, and the ingredients. Safe handling instructions are mandatory for all raw or partially cooked meat and poultry products. The label must say “Keep Refrigerated” if the sausage is perishable. Product dating is optional, but the manufacturer may have affixed a date.
All ingredients in the product must be listed in the ingredient statement in order of predominance, from the one weighing the most listed first to the one weighing the least listed last.
For sausage products packaged under federal inspection, a Nutrition Facts panel is mandatory. If sausages are made and packaged in a local store, the nutrient information on the package is voluntary. The notice of a “use” or “sell by” date is optional. The Nutrition Facts information on the label can help consumers compare products and make more informed, healthy food choices.
Sausages Defined
Fresh Sausages: Fresh sausages are a coarse or finely ground meat food product prepared from one or more kinds of meat, or meat and meat by-products. They may contain water not exceeding 3 percent of the total ingredients in the product. They are usually seasoned, frequently cured, and may contain binders and extenders. They must be kept refrigerated and be thoroughly cooked before eating.
- Fresh Pork Sausages – May not contain pork by-products and no more than 50 percent fat by weight.
- Fresh Beef Sausages – May not include beef by-products and no more than 30 percent fat by weight.
- Breakfast Sausages – May contain meat and meat by-products and no more than 50 percent fat by weight.
- Whole Hog Sausage – Meat from swine in such proportions as are normal to a single animal and no more than 50 percent fat by weight.
- Italian Sausage Products – Cured or uncured sausages containing at least 85 percent meat, or a combination of meat and fat, with the total fat content constituting not more than 35 percent of the finished product. They contain salt, pepper, fennel, and/or anise and no more than 3 percent water. Optional ingredients permitted in Italian sausages are spices (including paprika) and flavorings, red or green peppers, onions, garlic and parsley, sugar, dextrose, and corn syrup.
Cooked and/or Smoked Sausages: These products are made of one or more different kinds of chopped or ground meats that have been seasoned, cooked, and/or smoked. Water can be no more than 10 percent by weight. Meat by-products may be used.
Included in this category are:
- Salami
- Bratwurst
- Liverwurst
- Braunschweiger
- Hot Dogs
- Blood Sausage
- Bologna
- Jellied Beef Loaf
- Knockwurst
- Thuringer-Style
Cooked salami (not dry) is made from fresh meats that are cured, stuffed into casings, and cooked in a smokehouse at high temperatures. It may be air-dried for a short time. It has a softer texture than dry and semi-dry sausages and must be refrigerated.
Meat Specialties: A ready-to-eat sausage product that is made from finely ground meats that are seasoned and usually cooked or baked rather than smoked. They are usually sliced and served cold. Included in this category are:
- Chopped Ham Loaf
- Luncheon Meat
- Peppered Loaf
- Head Cheese
- Jellied Corned Beef
- Ham and Cheese Loaf
- Honey Loaf
- Old Fashioned Loaf
- Olive Loaf
- Pickle and Pimento Loaf
- Scrapple
- Souse
- Veal Loaf
Dry and Semi-Dry Sausages: Dry sausages may or may not be characterized by a bacterial fermentation. When fermented, the intentional encouragement of a lactic acid bacteria growth is useful as a meat preservative as well as producing the typical tangy flavor. The ingredients are mixed with spices and curing materials, stuffed into casings, and put through a carefully controlled, long, continuous air-drying process.
Dry sausages require more production time than other types of sausage that results in a concentrated form of meat. Medium-dry sausage is about 70 percent of its “green” weight when sold. Green weight is the weight of the raw article before the addition of added substances or before cooking. Less-dry and fully-dried sausages range from 80 percent to 60 percent of original weight at completion.
Dry sausages include:
- Chorizo (Spanish, smoked, highly spiced)
- Frizzes (similar to pepperoni but not smoked)
- Pepperoni (not cooked, air-dried)
- Lola or Lolita and Lyons sausage (mildly seasoned pork with garlic)
- Genoa salami (Italian, usually made from pork but might have a small amount of beef; it is moistened with wine or grape juice and seasoned with garlic.)
Semi-dry sausages are usually heated in the smokehouse to fully cook the product and partially dry it. Semi-dry sausages are semi-soft sausages with good keeping qualities due to their lactic acid fermentation. “Summer Sausage” (another word for cervelat) is the general classification for mildly seasoned, smoked, semi-dry sausages like Mortadella and Lebanon bologna.
Who Should Avoid Eating Dry Sausages? Because dry sausages are not cooked, the elderly, very young children, pregnant women, and those with weakened immune systems might want to avoid eating them. The bacterium E. coli O157:H7 has been found to survive the process of dry fermenting, and in 1994, some children and adults became ill after eating dry cured salami containing the bacteria. This is believed to be the first time that this product has been associated with E. coli O157:H7. These illnesses have raised some questions about the effectiveness of processes for producing dry fermented sausage free of this deadly organism.
The USDA is looking at ways to identify and correct potential problems in dry sausage products and is developing procedures for manufacturers to ensure their processing is adequate to destroy bacteria.
Storage of Sausage
All sausage – except dry sausage – is perishable and therefore should be brought directly home when purchased and refrigerated or frozen. The storage times listed in the table on the last page should be followed for maximum quality if the product has a “sell-by” date or no date. If the product has a “use-by” date, follow that date.
Date On Package of Processed Meats
Although dating is a voluntary program and not mandated by the federal government, if a date is used, it must state what the date means. Since none is a safety date, the product can be used after the date, provided it was stored safely. Follow the guidelines in the table at the end of this fact sheet for maximum quality in sausage products.
- “Packaging” date is the date of manufacturing, processing, or final packaging.
- “Sell-by” date is the last day a retail store may offer the food for sale. You should buy the product before the date expires and then use it according to the guidelines in the storage chart for maximum quality and safety.
- “Best if used by” date tells when the product should be used for best flavor and quality. It is not a purchase or safety date.
- “Use-by” date is the date after which the peak quality of the product begins to decrease, but the product may still be used.
- “Expiration” date marks the end of the product’s useful life or the last day to
be used.
Selecting the Best Hot Dogs
Types of Hot Dogs: Whether you call it a frankfurter, hot dog, wiener, or bologna, it’s a cooked sausage and a summertime favorite. They can be made from beef, pork, turkey, or chicken – the label must specify which. All ingredients in the product must be listed in the ingredient statement in order of predominance, from the one weighing the most listed first to the one weighing the least listed last. And there are federal standards for their content (Code of Federal Regulations, Volume 9 Section 319.180).
Smoking and curing ingredients contribute to the flavor, color, and preservation of the product. They come in all shapes and sizes – short, long, thin, and chubby. The most popular of all categories, the skinless varieties, have been stripped of their casings after cooking. Water or ice may be used to facilitate chopping or mixing or to dissolve curing ingredients. Sausages may contain no more than 10 percent water and 30 percent fat or a combination of 40 percent fat and added water. Up to 3.5 percent nonmeat binders and extenders such as nonfat dry milk, dried whole milk, or 2 percent isolated soy protein may be used but must be shown in the ingredient statement by its common name.
By-products, Variety Meats: Frankfurters, hot dogs, wieners or bologna “with by-products” or “with variety meats” are made according to the specifications for cooked smoked sausages except they consist of not less than 15 percent of one or more kinds of raw skeletal muscle meat with raw meat by-products. The by-products (heart, kidney, or liver) must be accompanied by the name of the species from which it was derived and must be individually named in the ingredient statement.
Species: Beef franks or pork franks are cooked, smoked sausage products made according to the specifications above, but with meat from a single species and do not include by-products. Turkey franks or chicken franks contain turkey or chicken skin and fat in natural proportions of that found on a turkey or chicken carcass.
Mechanically Separated Meat or Poultry: Carcass parts from which most of the meat has been removed still have usable meat attached. These parts are pushed under high pressure through equipment with openings so fine that a small amount of powdered bone the size of a grain of sand may pass through along with the remaining muscle meat and other soft tissue. This is called “mechanically separated” meat, and if used in a product, the label must state it.
If a serving contains 20 mg or more of calcium from the finely powdered bone, the label must give the calcium content as a percentage of the US RDAs.
Mechanically Deboned Poultry: This does not have the same requirements as mechanically separated meat and is simply listed in the ingredients statement as “chicken” or “turkey.”
Handling of Hot Dogs: When you leave the grocery store with any kind of sausage, head straight home and refrigerate or freeze it immediately. If there is a date on the package, follow those guidelines for use. If there is no date, hot dogs can be safely stored unopened in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Once opened, they are safe in the refrigerator for only one week. (See table below.) For maximum quality, freeze hot dogs for no longer than one to two months. Never leave hot dogs at room temperature for more than two hours, or in the hot summer months when the temperature rises to 90 °F or above, for more than one hour. Finally, even though hot dogs are fully cooked, if you choose to reheat them, make sure that they are steamy hot throughout.
Sausage & Hot Dog Storage Chart (For Products With a “Sell By” Date or No Date)
Types Of Sausage Refrigerator Refrigerator Storage-After Opening Freezer Fresh Sausage, uncooked 1 to 2 Days 1 to 2 Days 1 to 2 months Fresh Sausage, after cooking by the consumer (Not Applicable) 3 to 4 Days 2 to 3 months Hard/Dry Sausage Indefinitely in Refrigerator;6 Weeks in Pantry 3 Weeks in Refrigerator 1 to 2 months Hot Dogs and Other Cooked Sausage 2 Weeks but No Longer than
1 Week After the “Sell-by” Date
7 Days 1 to 2 months Luncheon Meats 2 weeks 3 to 5 days 1 to 2 months Summer Sausage (Semi-dry) 3 Months 3 Weeks 1 to 2 months Freeze the product if you cannot use it within the times recommended above for refrigerator storage. Once frozen, it does not matter if the date expires, because all foods kept frozen continuously are safe indefinitely. However, for best quality, use within1 to 2 months.
- United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Sausages and Food Safety. Food Safety Factsheets. August, 2013. Web. https://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/portal/fsis/topics/food-safety-education/get-answers/food-safety-fact-sheets/meat-preparation/sausages-and-food-safety/ct_index
Originally published 03/99
The Basics Of Sausage Cooking and Safety
Sausages, a versatile and beloved staple in cuisines around the world, bring a unique blend of flavors and textures to the table. Cooking sausages correctly is not just a culinary skill, but a crucial aspect of food safety. Understanding the internal temperature guidelines is fundamental in ensuring that sausages are both delicious and safe to consume.
What Are The Different Types Of Sausages?
Sausages are as diverse as the cultures that create them, each type offering unique flavors and textures. Here’s a look at some of the main types of sausages from around the world:
Fresh Sausages: These are made from raw meat and need to be cooked thoroughly before eating. Examples include Italian sausage, breakfast sausage, and bratwurst.
Smoked Sausages: Smoked sausages are infused with flavor through a smoking process. They can be fully cooked, semi-cooked, or uncooked. Examples include Andouille (used in Cajun cooking), Kielbasa (Polish sausage), and smoked bratwurst.
Cooked Sausages: These are cooked at the time of processing and need to be reheated before serving. Frankfurters and many types of German wurst fall into this category.
Dry and Semi-Dry Sausages: These are fermented and air-dried sausages with a typically sharp, strong flavor. Examples include Salami, Pepperoni, and Chorizo.
Blood Sausages: Made with blood, meat, fat, and filler material like bread or oatmeal, these sausages have a distinct dark color. Black Pudding from the UK and Boudin Noir from France are popular types.
Liver Sausages: These are generally spreadable sausages made primarily from the liver. Liverwurst from Germany is a well-known example.
Differences Between Natural and Synthetic Casings
Natural Sausage Casings
Natural casings, made from animal intestines, offer a tender, traditional bite and enhance flavor, particularly in fresh and Italian sausages. Their permeable nature allows for effective smoke and heat penetration during cooking.
Synthetic Sausage Casings
Synthetic casings, created from materials like collagen and cellulose, provide uniformity and consistency. They are commonly used in mass-produced sausages.
Is it Okay To Eat Sausages Straight From The Package?
Whether you can eat sausages straight from the package depends if the sausage is precooked and safe to eat or whether it needs to be cooked. Usually, sausages will have writing on their packaging. To distinguish between precooked and raw sausages, always read the packaging carefully.
Labels: Look for labels like “fully cooked” or “ready to eat” on the packaging, which indicate that the sausages are pre-cooked. Raw sausages might be labeled as “fresh” or “uncooked.”
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Instructions: Precooked sausages usually come with instructions for reheating, while raw sausages have cooking instructions.
Appearance: Raw sausages are often a pinkish color when made from pork or beef and will have a softer, more pliable texture. Precooked
sausages are usually a uniform brown color and are firmer to the touch.
Knowing whether your sausages are precooked or raw is essential not just for safety, but also for achieving the best culinary results. Always ensure that raw sausages are cooked to the recommended internal temperature, and enjoy the convenience and flavor of precooked sausages when time is short.
What is A Safe Internal Temperature For Sausages?
Achieving the right internal temperature is not just a matter of safety; it also significantly impacts the flavor and texture of the sausage. Different types of sausages, owing to their unique blends of spices and meats, have their specific temperature requirements. Different meats used in sausages require specific temperatures to ensure safety and optimal taste. For instance, pork and beef sausages should reach an internal temperature of 160°F (71°C) to ensure they are fully cooked and safe to eat. Poultry-based sausages, such as those made from chicken or turkey, require a slightly higher temperature of 165°F (74°C) to eliminate any harmful bacteria. It's essential to use a meat thermometer to accurately measure the internal temperature, ensuring both the safety and the quality of your sausages.
Pork Sausages: Must reach an internal temperature of 160°F (71°C).
Beef Sausages: Also require a temperature of 160°F (71°C).
Poultry Sausages: Should be cooked to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C).
Is It Okay For My Sausage To Be a Little Pink?
A common question among cooks is whether it's safe to eat a sausage that's still a bit pink inside. The answer largely depends on the type of sausage and its preparation. For commercially made sausages, a slight pink hue can be normal, even when the sausage is fully cooked. This can be due to the preservatives used, such as sodium nitrite, which can cause the meat to retain a pink color. The key indicator of doneness should always be the internal temperature, not the color. As long as the sausage has reached the appropriate safe temperature, it should be safe to eat.
What Are The Best Ways To Cook Sausages?
Cooking sausages perfectly is an art that combines the right method with the specific type of sausage. Here are some of the best ways to cook different sausages:
Grilling: Ideal for many types of sausages, grilling adds a smoky flavor and a crisp exterior. It's perfect for bratwurst, Italian sausages, and andouille.
Pan-Frying: For a quick and convenient method, pan-frying is great. It works well for Italian sausages, chorizo, and breakfast sausages. Cook them slowly on medium heat to avoid burning.
Baking: For a hands-off approach, baking sausages in an oven set to around 350°F (175°C) ensures even cooking and is perfect for cooking large quantities.
Boiling: Boiling sausages before grilling or frying can ensure they're cooked through without burning the outside. This method is often used for bratwurst.
Each method has its own set of advantages and can be chosen based on the desired texture and flavor profile.
How to Store Your Sausages Properly
Proper storage of sausages is crucial to maintain their quality and ensure food safety. Here are some guidelines:
How Do You Refrigerate Sausages?
Refrigeration: Fresh sausages should be stored in the refrigerator and used within two days of purchase. Store them in their original packaging or wrap them tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil to prevent air exposure, which can lead to spoilage.
Should You Freeze Sausages?
Freezing: If you can’t use the sausages within a couple of days, freezing is a good option. Wrap the sausages tightly in freezer-safe packaging to prevent freezer burn. Sausages can be stored in the freezer for 1-2 months for best quality, though they remain safe beyond that time.
How Do You Thaw Frozen Sausages?
Thawing Frozen Sausages: Thaw them in the refrigerator, not at room temperature, to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. If you need to thaw them quickly, you can use the microwave’s defrost setting, but then they should be cooked immediately after thawing.
Storing Cooked, Cured, and Dried Sausages
Cooked Sausages: Once cooked, sausages should be stored in the refrigerator and consumed within three to four days. Ensure they are stored in airtight containers to avoid contamination and drying out.
Dry or Cured Sausages: These can be stored at room temperature (if they are whole) for up to six weeks. Once cut, they should be wrapped and refrigerated, where they will last for about three weeks.
How To Tell if Your Sausages Have Gone Bad
Determining whether your sausages have gone bad is important for food safety. Here are key indicators to look out for:
- Color Changes: Fresh sausages should have a consistent color throughout. If you notice any significant color changes, such as a grayish or greenish tint, this could be a sign of spoilage.
- Off Smell: One of the most reliable indicators is the smell. Spoiled sausages will often have a sour, rancid, or otherwise unpleasant odor. If the sausages smell off in any way, it’s best to err on the side of caution and discard them.
- Texture Changes: Fresh sausages should feel firm but not hard. If the sausages feel slimy or sticky, this is a sign that they may have gone bad.
- Mold Growth: Any visible signs of mold or fungal growth on the sausages are a clear indication that they should not be consumed.
- Expiration Date: Always check the expiration or "use by" date on the packaging. Even if the sausages look and smell fine, they could still be unsafe to eat past this date.
- Taste Test: If you're still uncertain, a small taste test can be the final judge. If the sausage tastes sour, unpleasant, or just 'off' in any way, it's best not to eat it.
Common Sausage Cooking Mistakes and Solutions
Even the most experienced cooks can make mistakes when cooking sausages. Here are some common errors and how to solve them:
Overcooking: This can lead to dry, tough sausages. Solution: Use a meat thermometer to ensure you're cooking the sausage to the correct temperature and remove from heat as soon as it's reached.
Undercooking: A serious health risk. Solution: Always cook sausages to the recommended internal temperature.
Cooking at Too High Heat: This can cause the sausages to burst or burn on the outside while remaining raw inside. Solution: Cook sausages on medium heat and turn them regularly for even cooking.
Not Resting the Sausages: Like any meat, sausages benefit from resting for a few minutes after cooking to redistribute the juices. Solution: Let sausages rest for 3-4 minutes before serving.
By avoiding these common pitfalls, you can ensure your sausages are cooked to perfection every time.
Common Questions About Sausages:
Q: Are sausages safe to eat without cooking?
A: It depends on the type of sausage. While cured or smoked sausages like salami can be eaten without additional cooking, fresh sausages must be cooked to the appropriate internal temperature for safety.
Q: Why is my sausage sticky?
A: Stickiness can be a sign of spoilage, especially if accompanied by an off smell or color change. It's best to discard sticky sausages.
Q: How do I tell if my sausage is undercooked?
A: The best way is to use a meat thermometer to check if the sausage has reached a safe internal temperature.
Q: My sausage is slimy is it okay to eat?
A: If you notice that your sausage has a slimy texture, it's an important sign to be cautious about. Sliminess on sausages usually indicates the beginning of spoilage, especially if it's accompanied by other signs such as an off odor, color changes, or an expiration date that has passed.
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