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Variability in Potency Among Commercial Preparations ...

Author: knightzhao

Dec. 23, 2024

Variability in Potency Among Commercial Preparations ...


Berberine is an isoquinoline alkaloid plant extract that is widely available as a dietary supplement in the United States and has demonstrated efficacy in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia. Because of its increased use and purported pharmacological properties, potential variations in product quality could pose a barrier to berberine&#;s safety and effectiveness in clinical practice. Thus, this study evaluated the potency of dietary supplements containing berberine available in the U.S. commercial market. Fifteen unique dietary supplements containing berberine were purchased through U.S. dietary supplement vendors. For each product, berberine was extracted from 3 unique capsules and analyzed by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Percentage content based on the product label claim was determined for each product. The average berberine content across the products was found to be 75% ± 25% of the product label claim, with product potency ranging from ±33% to 100%. Nine of the 15 tested products (60%) failed to meet the potency standards of 90% to 110% of labeled content claim, as commonly required of pharmaceutical preparations by the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention. Evaluation of the relationship between product cost and the measured potency failed to demonstrate an association between quality and cost. Variability in product quality may significantly contribute to inconsistencies in the safety and effectiveness of berberine. In addition, the quality of the berberine product cannot be inferred from its cost.

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Keywords: berberine, dietary supplement, natural product, potency

Materials and methods

Product selection

An Internet search for commercial products advertising 400 mg to 500 mg per capsule of berberine yielded 15 available preparations. Any formulation containing additional active ingredients was excluded from the study. All products were purchased online through common retailers (e.g., Amazon) in May , and analysis was completed by July . At the time of analysis, none of the products tested had reached their expiration date according to the product labeling.

Sample extraction

The contents of three capsules from each preparation were individually weighed. The weight of the capsule contents was determined by subtracting the weight of the empty capsule from the weight of the filled capsule on a Mettler-Toledo XS3DU microbalance (Columbus, OH). A sample from each capsule containing approximately 5 mg of berberine was added to a 50 mL conical vial containing 50 mL of ACS- (American Chemical Society)grade methanol containing 0.1 mg/mL of the internal standard 1,3-diphenylguanidine (DPG) (Figure 1), yielding a berberine concentration of approximately 0.1 mg/mL. The samples were sonicated for 15 minutes, followed by vortex shaking for 30 seconds, and finally were centrifuged at 1,500 rcf for 5 minutes. The resulting supernatant was further diluted 1:100 in ACS-grade methanol, and the sonication, vortexing, and centrifugation steps were repeated. Finally, the resulting supernatant was diluted 1:100 in 75:25 (v/v) water (H2O):acetonitrile (ACN) containing 0.1% (v/v) formic acid (FA). For determination of extraction efficiency, 500 mg cinnamon dietary supplement capsules purchased from CVS Health (Woonsocket, RI, USA) were used as a blank matrix, and berberine at concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 80 mg/mL and DPG at 0.1 mg/mL were extracted and compared to nonextracted standards.

Sample analysis

Standard stocks of berberine (0.01&#;0.2 mg/mL) were made in methanol using the US Pharmacopeial (USP) reference standard (Rockville, MD, USA). The standard stocks were diluted 1:100 into methanol, then 1:100 into 75:25 (v/v) H2O:ACN containing 0.1% (v/v) FA, as outlined in the preceding section. The calibration standards and the extracted and diluted berberine samples were analyzed by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS) (Zhang et al., ). Mobile phase A consisted of 0.1% FA in H2O and mobile phase B consisted of 0.1% FA in ACN with a flow rate of 0.4 mL/min. The analytes were resolved on a Phenomenex (Torrance, CA) Luna Omega C18 column (100 × 2.1 mm, 1.6 μm, 100Å) at 25°C using the following linear gradient: isocratic hold for 0.5 minutes at 25% mobile phase B, 98% B at 5.5 minutes, and 25% B at 5.6 minutes with a re-equilibration time of 1 minute. Analytes were detected on a Waters (Milford, MA) Quattro Premier XE dual quadrupole mass spectrometer with an electrospray ionization source operated in positive ion mode and controlled by Waters Mass Lynx 4.1 software with the following settings: source/desolvation temperatures of 100°C/450°C, and source/desolvation N2 gas flow at 50 L/hr/650 L/hr. Multiple-reaction monitoring, with argon collision gas at 0.16 mL/min, was used to detect both berberine (336.4&#;320.0) and DPG (212.4&#;195.1). Optimal cone voltage/collision energy settings of 55 V/35 V and 41 V/25 V were used for berberine and DPG, respectively. The MS peaks were integrated using QuanLynx software (version 4.1, Waters Corp., Milford, MA). Sample concentrations were determined by interpolation of the analyte/internal standard peak area ratios calculated from a 7-point calibration curve ranging from 1 to 20 ng/mL of berberine.

Statistical analysis

The resulting potency data were found to display a normal distribution and were analyzed by standard parametric statistical testing. Comparison of product potency based on cost was determined by unpaired t-test analysis and by Pearson&#;s correlation analysis. A p value less than .05 was considered statistically significant. Data analysis was conducted using JMP software v11 from SAS Institute Inc. (Cary, NC).


Berberine dietary supplements were purchased online from 15 unique manufacturers (Table 1). All of the preparations contained berberine as the sole listed active ingredient. The labeled berberine content for the preparations was either 400 mg or 500 mg per capsule. The average (± SD) monthly cost based on a dose of 800 to 1,000 mg/day for the preparations was $21.97 ± $9.18 and ranged from $8.48 to $47.40. All of the preparations were analyzed prior to the labeled expiration date.

Table 1.

Fifteen commercial preparations of berberine available in the United States tested for product potency.

Product name Manufacturer Labeled content (mg) Monthly cost ($) 1. Berberine 500 mg Vital Nutrients 500 47.40 2. Organic Berberine HCl Pura Organics 500 24.95 3. Berberine-500 Thorne Research 500 32.60 4. Berberine Metabolic Support Integrative Therapeutics 500 27.00 5. Pure Berberine Lean Nutraceuticals 500 21.77 6.Berberine 500 mg Double Wood 500 19.95 7. Berberine Vitacost 500 15.35 8. Berberine HCL Pure Science 500 22.40 9. Activated Berberine Nutritional Concepts 400 13.35 10. Berberine 1,000 Only Natural 500 21.83 11. Berberine Ultra Complex LongLifeNutri 500 21.97 12. Berberine Swanson 400 8.48 13. Berberine HCl Biotics Research Corp 500 25.80 14. WellBetX Berberine 500 mg Natural Factors 500 27.95 15. Dr. Whitaker Clinical Grade Berberine Healthy Directions 500 14.93 Open in a new tab

To analyze the berberine content in each product, a UHPLC-MS/MS assay was developed for berberine using DPG as the internal standard (Figure 1). The berberine USP reference standard was used to prepare the calibration standards for the assay. A capsule formulation of cinnamon was used as the matrix background for the methanol-based extraction procedure and yielded an average (± SD) extraction efficiency of 95% ± 7%. The analysis run time was 6.6 minutes and resulted in a good baseline separation of DPG and berberine as illustrated for a matrix extracted and diluted standard solution containing 10 ng/mL each of DPG and berberine (Figure 2A). The ratio of the peak area of berberine and DPG was used to construct the standard calibration curve (Figure 2B). The average coefficient of variation for the analytical assay was 5.9%.

Figure 2.

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Quantification of berberine by UHPLC-MS/MS. (A) A representative multiple-reaction-monitoring (MRM) chromatogram for berberine (336.4&#;320.0) and 1,3-diphenylguanidine (DPG) (212.4&#;195.1) detected in matrix extracted and diluted berberine standard at a final concentration of 10 ng/mL berberine and 10 ng/mL DPG. (B) The 7-point calibration curve was plotted as the concentration of berberine versus the peak area ratio of berberine and DPG and was fitted to a weighted (1/x), linear least-squares regression.

Three capsules from each preparation were extracted individually and assayed for berberine content. Among the products tested, the average (± SD) content of berberine was 75% ± 25% of the label claim, and the content ranged from 33% to 100% of the expected dose (Figure 3). Of the products tested, 60% had an average berberine content of less than 90% of the label claim. Interestingly, several of the products failing to achieve 90% potency had label claims of manufacturing under Good Manufacturing Practice conditions in Food and Drug Administration inspected facilities, as well as guarantees of purity and potency.

Figure 3.

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Percentage of berberine content based on the label claim in commercial preparations of berberine. The average (± SD) of the percentage of berberine based on the label claim for each of the 15 commercially available berberine products is presented. The average (± SD) of the percentage of berberine based on the label claim for each of the 15 commercially available products listed in Table 1 is presented. The products in green are those with an average berberine content between 90% and 110% of the label claim. The products in red are those with an average berberine content less than 90% of the label claim.

Analysis of product quality based on the average monthly cost failed to yield a significant relationship between quality and cost. The average (±SD) cost of products containing at least 90% of the labeled berberine content was not significantly ± different from products failing to meet the 90% potency standard ($27.21 ± $12.49 vs. $20.28 ± 5.34, respectively, p =.25). Similarly, Pearson&#;s pairwise analysis of potency, based on the label claim, and product monthly cost failed to yield a significant relationship between cost and quality (r = .17, p = .53).


Our results demonstrate marked variability in the content of berberine among products available from U.S. manufacturers. Further, variation in quality was not associated with variability in product cost. Potency standards set forth by the USP Convention commonly require pharmaceutical preparations contain between 90% and 110% of the labeled content claim. Despite increased regulatory oversight by the FDA, dietary supplements continue to lack potency standards, resulting in significant product quality variations among commercially available preparations (Gershwin et al., ; Sarma, Giancaspro, and Venema, ). The final guidance on the Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) for dietary supplements issued by the FDA in required that manufacturers establish and document their own quality-control standards (Marcus, ). However, these regulations failed to include specific definitions regarding the purity and potency of the manufactured product. As a result, compliance with cGMP standards does not necessarily translate to the achievement of conventional product potency standards, as demonstrated in this work. Together, these findings highlight a continued shortfall in the dietary supplement industry to ensure product quality. The potential risks of these shortfalls are expected to become increasingly evident as variation in product quality results in measureable impact on the effectiveness and toxicity of these products. This translates clinically to inconsistencies in measures of disease response to therapy, such as LDL-C and HbA1c, and the presence or absence of common dose-dependent adverse effects (e.g., gastrointestinal complaints). This may become more unpredictable if patients are switching between berberine products. Since most of the products that we analyzed contained less than the stated label amount, a subtherapeutic clinical response would likely be expected.

A number of other factors must also be discussed regarding the utilization of berberine in clinical practice. Small studies, performed primarily in China, indicate that berberine is an effective agent for significantly reducing HbA1c and LDL-C. Comparable studies have not been performed in the United States; however, various favorable characteristics make berberine attractive for the clinical treatment of type 2 DM and dyslipidemia. For example, patients typically have a positive view of complementary and alternative medicine and may be more willing to add berberine to their regimen than they are to add standard agents (Vincent and Furnham, ). Other notable attributes include lower cost than many prescription medications (< $25/month), similar pharmacology to established DM and lipid therapies (e.g., GLP-1 agonists, metformin, statins) (Pang et al., ; Pirillo and Catapano, ), and presumed safety since berberine has been utilized as a traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. Conversely, few studies have established the efficacy of berberine outside of China, and although the short-term clinical trials did not report serious adverse effects, little is known regarding long-term use. Further, berberine is a substrate of common metabolic pathways and has the potential for clinically relevant drug interactions. Finally, other studies have provided mixed results regarding safety, with animal data suggesting an increase in hepatic tumors (Dunnick et al., ), while other studies, including human cell models, indicate potential anticancer benefit (Diogo et al., ). Nevertheless, well-designed, long-term randomized controlled trials are needed to better assess safety and efficacy and determine the impact of berberine on clinical outcomes.

There are limitations to our study. Primarily, we analyzed the berberine content of one individual bottle from each manufacturer. A more comprehensive approach would involve analyzing the content of multiple bottles from the same manufacturer with different lot numbers, accounting for any batch-to-batch variability.

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Berberine is an emerging dietary supplement in the United States with multiple pharmacological properties and broad potential for clinical application. However, there is significant variation in product content among the majority of U.S. preparations analyzed, thereby hindering the agent&#;s safety and effectiveness. In addition, the quality of the berberine product should not be inferred from its cost. Presently, clinicians should be cautious when recommending berberine for any purported therapeutic treatment.



The work was supported in part by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences [P20GM and P30GM].


Ryan S. Funk, PharmD, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice at the University of Kansas School of Pharmacy. He holds a joint appointment within the Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics at the University of Kanas Medical Center. Dr. Funk received both his Pharm.D. and Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the University of Kansas. Subsequently, he completed an NICHD sponsored T32 training program in Pediatric Clinical Pharmacology at Children&#;s Mercy-Kansas City under the direction of J. Steven Leeder. His current research focuses on molecular mechanisms of variability in drug response to immunologically active agents in the treatment of pediatric autoimmune disease, but has maintained an academic interest in drug formulation and analysis.

Rakesh K. Singh, PhD, is a Senior Scientist in the Department of Pharmacy Practice at the University of Kansas School of Pharmacy. Dr. Singh received his B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the Birla Institute of Technology in India, and his Ph.D. in Pharmacology and Toxicology from the University of Kansas. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine and is currently studying the biochemical pharmacology of methotrexate in autoimmune arthritis. His current research seeks to understand the role of NAD metabolism by nicotinamide phosphoribosyltranserase and signaling via the JAK/STAT pathway impact response to methotrexate.

Robert D. Winefield, PhD, is Research Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics and the Director of the Analytical Core laboratory at the University of Kansas Medical Center. Dr. Winefield received his Ph.D. degree from Massey University in New Zealand. He completed postdoctoral training at the University of Kansas in the fields of molecular biology and bioanalytical chemistry. His current research efforts are focused on the development of custom analytical methods using UHPLC-MS/MS.

Sylvie E. Kandel, PhD, is a Senior Scientist at the University of Kansas Medical Center. She obtained a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the Pinot laboratory at the Institut de Biologie Moléculaire de Plantes with subsequent postdoctoral training in the laboratory of Ortiz de Montellano at the University of California, San Francisco. Following four years of industry-based pre-clinical drug development research on drug metabolism and mass spectrometry at Sekisui XenoTech, Dr. Kandel joined the University of Kansas Medical center and currently divides her time between the laboratory of Dr. Jed Lampe and the Analytical Core laboratory. In the Lampe laboratory, her current research seeks to characterize the role of CYP3A7 in drug metabolism and toxicity in neonates. Within the Analytical Core laboratory, she provides analytical support to help develop small molecule analytical methods for users of the core lab.

Janelle F. Ruisinger, PhD, is Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice at the University of Kansas School of Pharmacy. Dr. Ruisinger earned her Pharm.D. degree from the University of Kansas, then completed a residency with an emphasis on community care at The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy. She is also a Clinical Pharmacist in the KU Medical Center Atherosclerosis and LDL-Apheresis Center which serves as her practice site and primary source for her practice based research.

Patrick M. Moriarty, MD, is Professor of Internal Medicine and Division Director of Clinical Pharmacology at the University of Kansas Medical Center. Dr. Moriarty earned his M.D. at the University of Rome and completed his medical residency at the University of Kansas Medical Center. He serves as the Director of the Atherosclerosis and LDL-Apheresis Center at the University of Kansas Medical Center. His research is focused on atherosclerosis, vascular inflammation and blood rheology.

James M. Backes, PharmD, is Associate Dean for Clinical and Medical Center Affairs at the University of Kansas School of Pharmacy. Dr. Backes earned his B.S. in Pharmacy and Pharm.D. from Creighton University. He is a professor in the Pharmacy Practice and Internal Medicine departments and serves as the Assistant Director of the Atherosclerosis and LDL-Apheresis Center at the University of Kansas Medical Center. His research focus includes the safety and efficacy of lipid-altering agents and limiting the associated adverse events. Previously studied agents include policosanol, almonds, niacin, fibrates, statins (standard and intermittently dosed), apple-pectin, vitamin D, fish oil, krill oil, and red yeast rice.


Declaration of interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of the article.

Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at

Berberine Exports to United States

According to Volza's Global Export data, World exported 1,032 shipments of Berberine to united-states from Mar to Feb (TTM). These exports were made by 43 Exporters to 179 united-states Buyers, marking a growth rate of 215% compared to the preceding twelve months.

Within this period, in Feb alone, 74 Berberine export shipments were made Worldwide to united-states. This marks a year-on-year growth of 106% compared to Feb , and a -9% sequential growth from Jan .

Most of the Berberine exports from the World go to the United States , India , and Vietnam .

Globally, the top three exporters of Berberine are India, China, and United States . India leads the world in Berberine exports with 2,246 shipments, followed by China with 424 shipments , and United States taking the third spot with 385 shipments.

These facts are updated till Sept 19, , and are based on Volza's of Berberine. Paid subscribers can gain full access to the most recent Volza export import data.

Data Source

Volza's Global export data of Berberine is sourced and compiled from Global import export shipments across 80+ countries. Our datasets are updated daily, and paid subscribers gain full access to the most recent Volza export import data along with complete details.

Data Fields

The data fields provide comprehensive information including a description of the Berberine product, its HSN code, shipment date, price, quantity, countries of destination and origin, ports of destination/origin, details of Exporters and Buyers, and top decision makers' contact information. We also provide shipment dates, countries of destination and origin, as well as ports of destination and origin.

Decision Makers

Volza's data includes top decision-makers' profiles with direct contact information such as numbers, emails, and LinkedIn profiles.

Data Source: Volza Export Data

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