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The Ultimate Buyer's Guide for Purchasing 200 Ton Water Cooled Chiller

Author: Joy

Mar. 03, 2025

TopChiller can design and manufacture all types of water cooled ...

Water Cooled Chiller: The Ultimate FAQ Guide

This is the most comprehensive guide on water-cooled chillers.

Kendall contains other products and information you need, so please check it out.

In this guide, you will learn about the working principle, features, benefits, safety features, and energy-saving features of water-cooled chillers, amongst others.

Also, we will compare the water-cooled chillers and air-cooled chillers.

Keep reading if you want to be an expert.

What is a Water-Cooled Chiller?

A water-cooled chiller is a unique refrigerator that cools down the industrial water process to a suitable applicable temperature.

The working principle of the machine majorly entails the extraction of heat from industrial water.

After that, it uses water from a separate reservoir to cool down the refrigerant; hence the name water-cooled.

Note that the chiller hugely depends upon the refrigerant to cool down the process.

Consequently, the chiller type is preferential in applications with an already installed cooling tower.

Better still, it provides an optimum and efficient consumption of power.

Most importantly, this chiller type is excellent and useful for an extensive application.

That is, where the heat expelled by the air-cooled chiller may be high.

Water cooled chiller manufactured by TopChilller

What Types of Water-cooled Chillers are there?

The water-cooled chillers exist in four distinct categories depending on how they maneuver the refrigerant within the system.

They include:

· Vapor Absorption Type

The vapor absorption-type relies upon a heat source to power up the refrigerant&#;s transmission and relay across the chiller system to enhance cooling.

As a result, the system does not rely upon a compressor.

Therefore, its components include an evaporator, condenser, and expansion unit.

Finally, instead of the compressor, it uses an absorber, a generator, and a pump.

Ammonia or Lithium bromide are classic examples of absorption media in this case.

Lastly, you can use water or steam to heat the heat source.

· Vapor Compressor Type

Unlike the absorption type, the compressor chiller uses a compressor to pump the refrigerant to extract the heat.

However, its components are similar to the absorption chiller.

It has an evaporator, expansion unit, and condenser.

But still, the unit has no such kind of a porous medium.

· Screw Type

The screw chiller is another category of the compressor chiller.

However, it uses a screw kind of compressor to pump the refrigerant throughout the system.

The type is most prevalent.

This is because it is quick to install, operate quietly with little or no noise.

Furthermore, it has low maintenance costs and is highly energy efficient.

Besides, they are appropriate for high-risk types of buildings.

Water cooled screw chiller

· Centrifugal Type

The centrifugal chiller types rely upon vapor compression.

They are versatile.

This is because they can serve medium to large scale cooling processes typically ranging from 150 to tons of refrigeration.

Their system comprises the standard components; evaporator, compressor, condenser, and an expansion device joined to rotating fans.

They are capable of compressing and transmitting the refrigerant throughout the system.

What are the Benefits of a Water-Cooled Chiller?

Energy-efficient; it is generally more comfortable and cost-effective to use evaporating water for cooling.

This is because it requires less energy.

This is because it has a high heat capacity of water.

Operates Quietly: The water and cooling process flow is quiet.

It operates without producing any significant noise level.

That level of operation is significant for quiet settings such as medical applications and schools.

That is, where noise is a significant hindrance to operation.

Safety and environmental sustainability; the water-cooled chiller uses no toxic chemicals that may be harmful to the user or the environment.

No space restrictions; you can always install the water-cooled chiller anywhere without worrying about the amount of space allowance.

That is, whether indoors or a convenient place without necessarily having to station outdoor.

Long-Lasting; the water-cooled chillers have a longer lifespan.

They do not require frequent replacement.

It is because they do not suffer from outdoor factors such as rain, heat, or ice that may hinder their durability.

What are the Limitations of the Water-cooled chiller?

High initial costs; the chillers require a full set up of complementary facilities, including a water cooling tower and condenser water pumps.

However, the high savings on energy and durability override the higher initial investment.

Heavy maintenance; the water-cooled chiller types are bulky and, as such, require frequent inspection and checks.

Additionally, they need water treatments more often to eliminate impurities and cleaning.

Also, more parts mean more repairs.

Needs a mechanical station; for maximum utilization of the chiller, you require a mechanical room to effectively function and operate in a full setup.

Of course, the full setup will include the cooling tower and auxiliary components.

It is not suitable for drought-prone areas; since the chillers utilize lots of water, they require locations with a steady water supply.

Otherwise, you will have to pay more on water bills, thus increasing operating costs.

What are the Components of Water-Cooled Chillers?

The overall mechanical compression cycle has four distinct segments through which the refrigerant flows.

They include the:

  • Evaporator
  • Compressor
  • Condenser
  • Expansion valve

However, please note that the condenser in the chiller operates at a steadily higher temperature and higher pressure than the evaporator.

Water cooled chiller major parts

How does a Water-Cooled Chiller Work?

Below is an overview of the chiller&#;s operation

The chiller employs a closed-loop refrigeration system to cool down the process water.

Therefore, it means that there is a reliable, constant, and defined supply of water used for your processes.

On the flip side, the process entails the compressor pumping the refrigerant from the condenser, expansion valve, evaporator, and back to the compressor.

Meanwhile, during the flow of the refrigerant inside the system, the expansion valve meters it.

Elsewhere, the evaporator expels the heat.

Thus decreasing the fluid&#;s temperature while raising the refrigerant temperature.

Subsequently, the heated refrigerant from the evaporator and compressor gains entry into the condenser.

Once in the condenser, the refrigerant gets cooled.

Note that the typical water condensers are tube-in-tube, plate type, or tube-in-shell heat exchangers.

It is at this location that the water from the source or cooling tower cools the refrigerant.

However, the refrigerant and the cooling water never come into direct contact.

Instead, they flow via separate and distinct tunnels just inside the heat exchanger, otherwise close to effective heat transfer.

The water flows and transitions over the numerous refrigerant tubes while taking in the excessive heat.

Thereby lowering the refrigerant&#;s temperature to an optimum level for use in the system.

Water cooled chiller working diagram

How does an Air-cooled Chiller compare to a Water-cooled Chiller?

Even though both the air-cooled chiller and water-cooled chillers function to eliminate extra and unwanted heat from the process water, they vary in several ways.

The choice between the two chillers depends on a few essential factors, such as cost differences, environmental considerations, location considerations, and condenser mechanisms.

· Condenser Differences

The condensers of the air-cooled chillers and water-cooled chillers are distinctively different.

Water-cooled chillers have condensers that utilize the water&#;s high heat capacity to enhance the chilling of the refrigerant.

These chillers often use a mixture of water and glycol as a common refrigerant.

Elsewhere, the condensers of the air-cooled chillers utilize the ambient air to cool down the refrigerant.

To improve cooling, fans blow fresh air over the tubing that contains the refrigerant, thereby eliminating trapped heat.

· Cost Implications

When comparing the two sets of chillers, it is critical to consider the costs of acquisition, installation, and operation.

Initially, air-cooled chillers require costs for purchasing and installing fans, thermoregulation controls, and air ducts.

Additionally, you shall incur the energy costs for operating the chiller fans, increasing your energy bills.

On the flip side, the water-cooled chillers do not require many expenses to install; instead, the operational costs may tremendously soar.

That is so because the chillers must have a pre-installed cooling tower.

Besides, you shall incur additional maintenance costs, including water quality testing, water treatment, and other refrigeration system operational costs.

· Environmental/ Location Considerations

Indoor set-up: you can install both the chillers indoors.

However, you have to allocate additional space for the air-cooled chiller because they generally need more ambient air for ventilation.

Also, water-cooled chillers do not necessarily require an open space since they rely upon cooling towers for ventilation.

Outdoor locations: air-cooled chillers are perfect for installing outdoors due to the unlimited air supply for ventilation.

However, water-cooled chillers do not rightly blend within an exterior set-up.

High-temperature environments: compared to air-cooled chillers, the water-cooled type is suitable for installing and operating in industrial set-ups.

That is, with many elevated temperatures.

Supply of water: you have to set up the chillers in locations with a steady supply of water and vice versa for air-cooled chillers.

Comparisons of Chiller Efficiency

Contrastingly, water-cooled chillers are more efficient compared to air-cooled chillers.

The latter&#;s efficiency significantly depends on the ambient cooling air.

Therefore, a chiller operating at a high temperature while cooling will perform less efficiently.

Instead, water-cooled chillers are more efficient since their operation is independent of external environmental factors.

Furthermore, the cooling towers and refrigeration systems facilitate the maintenance of steady operational temperature.

What should you Consider when Buying Water-cooled Chillers?

Consider the following factors whenever you are purchasing a water-cooled chiller.

Heat burden; initially do a survey and evaluate the amount of heat you need to expel from your application.

With the precise heat burden, you shall then buy a chiller capable of achieving the fete.

Compressor type; you will often come by three types of compressors available for your chiller, i.e., centrifugal, screw type, and reciprocating compressors.

Each type operates uniquely and has a different level of efficiency, so you have to pick one that suits your needs.

Installation location; you can always install a water-cooled chiller either indoors or outdoors.

It is still prudent to do a feasibility study of the installation surrounding.

This is to determine what accessories you will need to have.

Please find out the chiller&#;s appropriate size, its chiller parts that are compatible with your site.

Coolant parameters; verify the chiller&#;s coolant pressure and rate of flow, then weigh them against your application&#;s expectations or extent.

As a rule of thumb, always pick a machine with specifications that favorably compare with the coolant parameters.

That is, not too low or too high.

The extent of noise; depending on the locality of your industrial setup, you may need certain restrictions on the noise level.

For example, if you operate the chiller in a hospital/ learning institution setting, you might prefer one that produces the least noise.

How do you Test Water Cooled Chiller?

The two most common tests for water-cooled chillers are subject to assessing the chiller&#;s actual performance and efficiency on site.

The two tests are:

  • Energy performance assessment test
  • Seasonal variation and part load performances

Energy Performance Assessment Test

Before initiating the test, it is paramount to identify the parameters that depict the chiller performance.

A classic parameter is the KW/TR.

The unit is vital in assessing the chiller&#;s energy performance.

The unit (KW/TR) indicates the precise amount that a chiller consumes to deliver a cooling of about one TR.

You can similarly use this value comparatively with the design numerical or the common values.

The KW/TR value compares the electrical input energy (KW) against the thermal output (TR).

However, the manufacturers usually provide the value of design performance in COP (Coefficient of Performance).

The COP can as well transition into the KW/TR units by arithmetic manipulation.

Seasonal Variation and Part Load Performances

Based on the different seasons and load requirements, most chillers do operate at partial loading conditions.

Therefore, you must evaluate and assess the chiller&#;s performance when under part loads.

Occasionally, the part-load efficiencies of the chillers may be better than the full load efficiencies.

Thus depending on that preceding fact, selecting chillers for part loads and full loads can be concise.

You will employ the Integrated Part Load Value (IPLV) to assess the chiller&#;s performance at part load conditions.

Subsequently, you can derive the IPLV by considering the weighted averages of four loading points, usually 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%.

Similarly, you can use the following co-relation to find the IPLV:

IPLV = 0.01A + 0.42 B + 0.45C + 0. 12D.

The designations A, B, C, and D are the COP values at four loading points, respectively.

How much does a Water-cooled Chiller Cost?

Water-cooled chillers have reasonably lower and affordable initial costs.

They usually cost approximately $400 per ton below 400 tons and $300 per ton for above that level.

On top of that, water chillers require an additional motor and cooling tower, which does increase the capital investment.

You can turn to TopChiller sales to get a rough cost of your water-cooled chiller.

How do you Increase the Efficiency of a Water-cooled Chiller?

While manufacturers have struggled this far to improve the chillers&#; efficiencies significantly, it is yet to be enough.

A tip on maintaining the efficiency of the chiller is by always operating the machine at its peak performance.

This saves energy and maintenance costs.

Numerous variables directly affect the efficiency of the chillers.

Therefore, the following are the primary factors that help soar high efficiency.

Keeping daily records; a log is a document that you use to note down the chiller&#;s operating technical specifications, including operating pressures, fluid level, flow rate, operating temperature, etc.

It&#;s prudent to make this analysis while doing rounds of inspection. The data is critical in operating an efficient machine.

Maintain clean tubes; several contaminants such as minerals, mud, algae, and impurities accumulate and block on the water surfaces of the heat transfer surfaces in the chiller systems.

The contaminants are dangerous because they do increase the thermal resistance while thus lowing the chiller&#;s performance.

Consequently, the blockage leads to an unhealthy rise in temperatures.

The solution, at least annually, cleans the condenser tubes using an automatic rotary cleaning machine.

Treat condenser water; water used in the loop system needs treatment to prevent fouling.

Untreated water can always block and damage the tubes and piping systems.

Regulate water velocity; always closely control the flow rate because too low or too high flow rates often reduce the chiller efficiency.

They both lead to laminar flow and vibration/noise/ tube erosion, respectively.

It would be best if you tried to keep a maximum flow rate of 12 ft/sec.

Sustain refrigerant charge; note that the extent of cooling for any chiller depends on the amount of refrigerant the chiller drives via the compressor for every unit time.

Occasional leaks, air, and moisture, which lead to a low refrigerant charge.

They lower the chiller&#;s efficiency and reliability by increasing the machine&#;s work rate though making it achieve little refrigeration.

Water cooled chiller tube cleaning

What is the Operational Temperature Range for a Water-cooled Chiller?

Most water-cooled chillers deliver chilled water at the temperature range of about 35 -45.

However, all that varies according to your unique application needs.

Frankly speaking, as a professional water-cooled chiller manufacturer and supplier, the minimum chilled water temperature we can design and make is -35&#; glycol water chiller.

You can ask water-cooled chiller experts from TopChiller to custom your suitable water-cooled chiller today.

What is the Cooling Media for a Water-cooled chiller?

The water-cooled chillers have an already set-up cooling tower that contains water.

Also, the water present there provides the best cooling and condensation media for the refrigerant.

Mostly besides water, there are other cooling media including glycol water, brine, seawater, and other coolant liquid based on your demands.

Which Compressor are Types available for Water-cooled Chiller?

Chiller systems are majorly classified according to the types of compressors as commonly outlined below:

  • Screw compressors; for use with medium to large-sized chillers.
  • Scroll compressors, commonly in the small to medium-sized chillers.
  • Centrifugal compressors; apply with the large to very large chillers.
  • Absorption chillers; do not have any kind of compressor, i.e., compressor free.

Which Types of Pumps do Water-cooled Chillers use?

The pumps serve two vital roles in the chiller system.

Firstly, it initiates an adequate pressure to distribute the fluids through the chiller system.

Secondly, it provides pressure enough to drive the condenser water in the system at an appropriate flow rate.

Consequently, the two common types of pumps are centrifugal pumps and positive displacement pumps.

Centrifugal pump: this type of pump is most prevalent because of their:

  • Simple design
  • High-efficiency level
  • Range of capacity
  • Consistent flow rate
  • Little operational expenditure
  • Easier maintenance
  • Varying sizes
  • User friendly

Unlike the centrifugal pumps, the positive displacement types only dose chemicals in the chillers.

Water cooled chiller pump

How TopChiller Loads a Water-Cooled chiller into the Container?

Most water-cooled chillers are a big capacity with heavy net weight, how to load these big units into containers successfully is not an easy thing.

TopChiller, as the professional water-cooled chiller manufacturer and supplier having rich experience of loading such water-cooled chillers into your containers easily.

From the below videos, you will find how to load a big capacity water-cooled chiller into your container to ship out.

Where should you Install a Water-cooled Chiller?

As earlier mentioned, water-cooled chillers are simple and yet versatile machines that you can install under various conditions.

Below are some of the typical places/ locations you can set up the machine:

  • Indoors
  • High-temperature locations/ mechanical rooms
  • Small floor space

How often should you Inspect a Water-cooled Chiller?

At best, you should perform a daily inspection of your chillers.

Pay special attention to the chiller&#;s controls.

Subsequently, take note of the machine&#;s operating conditions.

That is, despite the machine&#;s microprocessor control always recording the statistics, a handwritten log is equally essential.

Water-cooled chiller inspection

How do you Startup and Shutdown the Water-cooled Chiller?

The startup and shutdown procedure might vary from one machine to another depending on the individual chiller&#;s technical specifications.

However, the following is an overview of what you expect.

Water Cooled Chiller Startup

  1. Start by checking the entire plumbing connections between the chiller and the cooling tower.

Ensure that the pipes and hoses are kink-free. Lastly, the valves should be all open.

2. Start the chiller by turning the on/off switch located beneath the controller.

With that, the pumps should start turning on and begin pumping water.

3. Do a thorough leak check.

Check all the hoses and fittings for any potential leaks.

Are you interested in learning more about 200 Ton Water Cooled Chiller? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!

Other places to verify and correct the leaks include internal chiller plumbing and filter panel.

4. Perform a pump check to assess if the flow rate corresponds to the flow setpoint.

5. Conduct a DI check; note that the DI water should be between 35 and 40

6. Next, conduct a temperature check.

7. Finally, the chiller would operate remotely whenever the DI water levels and chiller temperatures stabilize into the desired range.

Water Cooled Chiller Shutdown

You can perform two kinds of chiller shutdowns, i.e. temporary and extended shutdowns.

The former implies an intended shutdown for a short duration while the latter refers to an extended or a lasting shutdown.

Temporary Shutdown

  1. Press the stop key on the display interface. After 20 seconds, the compressors will cease to function.
  2. Turn off the chilled water pump and condenser water pump &#; that turns off the water circulation.

Extended Shutdown Procedure, for example, Seasonal Shutdown.

  1. Perform a leakage test on the unit and repair it wherever necessary.
  2. Open all the chiller&#;s electrical disconnect switches.

Maintain the switch in the &#;OPEN&#; configuration.

Do Water-cooled Chillers have a Warranty?

Yes, most of them come with warranties; however, the decision to issue the warranty solely depends on the manufacturer.

Again, the warranty period varies amongst manufacturers. At TopChiller we normally have 12 months warranty time as the standard principle after your water-cooled chiller installation and commission successfully.

Therefore, always read through the product&#;s description before buying.

What is the Lifespan of a Water-cooled Chiller?

The optimum life cycle of the machine is approximately 20 &#; 30 years, which is according to the Consulting-Specifying Engineer Magazine.

How do you choose the correct size of Water-cooled Chillers?

Sizing a chiller is a purely mathematical procedure that you can do manually using a formula.

Or you can use an automatic web algorithm already in place on the manufacturer&#;s webpage.

Nevertheless, you should know the important parameters to consider such as:

  • Inlet water temperature
  • The required water temperature
  • The flow rate

What Causes the Failure of Water-cooled Chillers?

Water-cooled chillers may often fail due to inadequate water flow to expel the excess heat from the refrigerant.

In that case, the condensing water might just become too warm to cool down the refrigerant.

The likely cause for this fault is a blocked condenser water supply or a leak.

Besides, the chiller&#;s compressor or the cooling towers may equally fail.

How do you Service a Water-cooled Chiller?

Usually, servicing a water-cooled chiller is a critical task that should exclusively be undertaken only by qualified and certified engineers and personnel.

Further, you can always complement their work by ensuring you maintain clear logs and all records relating to your machine.

Above all, always strive to engage a professional to service your machine.

Which Refrigerant is Suitable for a Water-Cooled Chiller?

There are all kinds of different refrigerants charged for water-cooled chillers, including R22, R134a, R407c, R410a, R404a and R507c

But which refrigerant among the above types is suitable for your water-cooled chillers? this is not an easy thing because it depends on your water-cooled chiller working conditioning, your ambient temperature, and the compressor types.

If you have any questions about Which Refrigerant is Suitable for a Water-Cooled Chiller, you can ask our refrigeration expert from TopChiller, we will give you the satisfaction answer and proper solution.

Refrigerant suitable for water-cooled chiller

What are the Safety Features of a Water-Cooled Chiller?

Thermal overloads on compressor motors, pump motors, and fan motors.

  • Fuses in power circuits
  • Short cycle prevention timers
  • Anti-freeze thermostats
  • Temperature cut out switches
  • Low and high-pressure switches on refrigeration compressors
  • Flow switches
  • Low refrigerant alarms
  • Fire alarms
  • Oil level sight glasses
  • Low oil level alarms etc.

The above full protection devices with a water-cooled chiller ensure your chiller unit working at a proper protection status.

Are Water-Cooled Chillers Energy-Efficient?

This is definitely correct while you are comparing a water-cooled chiller with an air-cooled chiller.

Water-cooled chillers are highly energy-efficient due to their corresponding minimum COP and IPLV, i.e., 4.2 and 5.2, respectively.

For more information on water-cooled chillers or any other chiller systems, contact the TopChiller team now.

So TopChiller strongly advises you should choose a water-cooled chiller due to this advantage over an air-cooled chiller if your project site situation is all available.

If you still have any doubt about water-cooled chiller and air-cooled chiller, TopChiller is willing to provide any technical support to work out the suitable water-cooled chiller for your application.

100% quality tested water cooled chiller

Industrial Water Chiller/System/Unit Manufacturer and ... - TopChiller

Industrial Water Chiller-An Ultimate FAQ Guide by TopChiller.

What is an Industrial Water Chiller?

An Industrial Water Chiller is cooling equipment used to deal with the excessive heat production from various industrial machinery for maintaining the overall atmosphere suitable for work.

It works by grabbing the internal high heat from the building and shifting it to the outside environment.

It is implied in plastic manufacturing, food and beverage, metal forming, laser, and medical sectors to combat extra heat produced due to high mechanical procedures being performed.

Water and other refrigerants are used to achieve the cooling function, and it is preferred over the industrial air chillers for their noise-free working and enhanced safety features.

Industrial Water Chiller needs effortless maintenance, easy cleaning, trouble-free operation, durable construction, and affordable pricing to ensure the convenience and comfort of the user.

TopChiller Designed Industrial Water Chiller

What are the Major Parts of an Industrial Water Chiller?

Different parts present in an Industrial Water Chiller that work together to exhibit excellent cooling include:


Compressors generate a significant pressure differential that forces refrigerants toward the condenser.

Compressors come in various configurations, including screw, centrifugal, scroll, and reciprocal.


The condenser plays a significant role in eliminating the refrigerant&#;s heat from heavy industrial equipment.

A water-cooled condenser is used in this chiller, which works using water as the primary cooling source.


The evaporator will transfer surplus heat through industrial machinery to the refrigerants.

It is cooled by water moving across the system, which accumulates heat as the refrigerant removes it.

Power Unit

It is in charge of regulating the electricity supply to the Industrial Water Chiller operations.

It is composed of several components that regulate the device&#;s quantity, velocity, and flow of electrical charge.

Control Panel

The function of the control panel is to monitor and control different factors of this chiller&#;s working. It will activate alarms in different safety conditions.

Also, it powers off the system to save it from any technical damage in case of any technical problem. It incorporates technology breakthroughs that enable remote management of critical operations of the unit.

Industrial Water Chiller Major Parts

What is the Working Principle of an Industrial Water Chiller?

To start, you must set the Industrial Water Chiller to meet your individual operating parameters.

When the unit is turned on, the process begins with water circulation through the evaporator. The water will continually circulate inside the evaporator and gather heat from the industrial application.

As the water absorbs additional heat through industrial use, its temperature rises. As heated water returns to the evaporator, it comes into contact with reduced pressure and refrigeration.

The refrigerant absorbs the heat and transports it directly to the condenser, keeping the water cold. Compressing the refrigerant increases its pressure and velocity of movement.

The refrigerant shall move rapidly through the compressor into the condenser. The condenser here will remove the heat of the refrigerant, reverting it to liquid form.

Following this, the chiller would utilize water to remove heat from the water reservoirs and dispose of it. After that, the liquid refrigerant flows to the expansion valve, which increases the volume while decreasing the pressure.

Eventually, this will start flowing to the evaporator, where the process will be repeated.

What are the Applications of an Industrial Water Chiller?

Industrial Water Chiller is widely used in given industries to meet the extraordinary demands of eliminating extra heat generated from heavy machinery:

Metal Forming Industry

It is being used to chill various machinery in the forming metal sector. Resistive welding, rolling mills, welding, presses, extruders, machine tools profiling, plating, and polishing machinery are among the equipment that will be cooled.

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry

It is widely used in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

Industrial Water Chiller helps cool down lab equipment, encased containers, natural gas, polyurethane foam mixers, industrial cleaning, paints, and solvents.

Food and Drinks Industry

In the foods and beverage business, an Industrial Water Chiller is used to chill a variety of devices.

Wineries, breweries, distilleries, bottling, dairy, bakeries, carbonation, food storage, and confectionery equipment are among the machinery you can chill using this cooling equipment.

Laser Machines

It will help chill several laser devices, including diode/solid-state lasers, CO2 lasers, and yage lasers.

Plastic and Rubber Industry

An Industrial Water Chiller is used to cool various machinery in the rubber and plastic industries.

Presses, PET, injection moulding, extrusion, thermoforming, sheet profile, and blow moulding machines are only a few of the machinery.

Medical Industry

It is frequently used in the medical sector to chill medical devices.

CT scanner, MRI, X-ray, laboratory, linear accelerator, and health technologies are just a few of the required instruments.

What are the Benefits of an Industrial Water Chiller for your Industry?

The following are among the numerous advantages of using an Industrial Water Chiller for your industry:

Improved Productivity

You may experience decreased interruption and increased production with industrial goods.

It will result in minimal wastage and minimal disruptions throughout the manufacturing procedure of various items.

Equipment Protection

Industrial Water Chiller will shield sensitive industrial machines against the damaging impact of excessive temperatures or extreme heat.

It will assist in preventing your expenditures from being destroyed, hence extending the lifespan of the devices.

Optimized Operating Limits and Process Controls

You may invest a significant amount of money in current, extremely advanced technology so that you will increase manufacturing performance.

Additionally, you will decrease interruption, therefore increasing the financial viability of industrial manufacturing operations.

Reduction in Maintenance and Operation Costs

Additionally, you will save money on maintenance costs for various machinery.

This results in a decrease in the total expense of creating various items, hence improving revenues.

Saves Water

This technology recycles water, hence decreasing environmental water waste.

Additionally, it will assist in reducing the expense of water which you already pay to water suppliers.


An Industrial Water Chiller is adaptable and customized to meet your specific usage needs. This way, you can add or modify different features to achieve your desirable or required application.

How is an Industrial Water Chiller Better than Industrial Air Chiller?

Several factors make an Industrial Water Chiller stand ahead of the Industrial Air Chiller:

Longer Lifespan

It generally requires maintenance less frequently than industrial air-cooled chillers. Because it is not subjected to external conditions like rainfall, snowfall, frost, or heat, it is least susceptible to frequent exterior damage.

Quiet Operation

Industrial Water Chiller functions silently while air-cooled chillers generate sound through ducting and venting.

The movement of water across the device does not produce a similar level of noise associated with air-cooled chillers.

Quiet operation is critical in schools and hospitals, wherein sound can be a source of discomfort for people.

Energy Efficiency

Industrial Water Chiller has a coating coefficient 10 to 100 times greater than air-cooled chillers.

This implies that it is very effective in transferring heat. As a consequence, you can save money on your high energy bills.

No Open Space Needed

To work correctly, air-cooled chillers must be located outside in an open area with enough clean air.

However, an Industrial Water Chiller is installed within buildings that lack adequate outside area.


Rather than harmful substances, it employs water as a coolant. This increases the safety of anyone who comes into touch with them.

What are the Common Refrigerants Suitable for an Industrial Water Chiller?

Among the refrigerants that may be used in Industrial Water Chiller are the following:

  • Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HFCs)
  • Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
  • Natural Refrigerants
  • Freons
  • Halocarbons

Refrigerant Suitable for Industrial Water Chiller

How to Select the Suitable Size of an Industrial Water Chiller for your Applications?

It would be best to choose the appropriate Industrial Water Chiller. It&#;s because a small-sized chiller may be incapable of adequately chilling the equipment.

On the other hand, big chillers may not operate at peak efficiency or waste resources. You&#;ll need to use the size calculator to determine the proper dimension in that scenario.

You will need the following information to use the device sizing calculator.

  • Temperature Difference
  • Gallons of Water Per Minute
  • Estimate the BTU Consumption Per Hour
  • Estimate the Cooling Tonnage Needed

To prevent under or extra Industrial Water Chiller size, you should have reliable information for such analyses.

The calculator will automatically determine the appropriate capacity of the Industrial Water Chiller for your application.

BTU Consumption Formula for Industrial Water Chiller

What is the Average Energy Consumption of an Industrial Water Chiller?

The quantity of energy consumed by an Industrial Water Chiller varies according to its kind. It frequently consumes over 40% of the overall energy required in industrial applications.

Compared to a small chiller, a large one consumes considerable energy.

Modern technical breakthroughs have resulted in the development of energy-conserving technologies. Try utilizing a unit that effectively preserves and saves energy, lowering operating costs.

What are the Safety Features of an Industrial Water Chiller?

Before running your Industrial Water Chiller, you must read all operating instructions. These guidelines offer a list of instructions that you must obey for your protection and the protection of the device.

Besides that, the chiller is provided with a sensor system that may identify impending danger. The protection monitors will alert you to impending danger by sending alerts to the control display screen.

Additionally, you may rely on the detectors to instantly power off the whole system. This occurs whenever the equipment is at grave risk, and doing more procedures would put it in grave danger.

Additionally, it occurs if you&#;re in severe danger of injury if the equipment continues to operate.

Industrial Water Chiller Water Temperature Sensor

What Types of Evaporator is Present in an Industrial Water Chiller?

Depending upon your requirements, you can decide anyone most suitable type that will be compatible with your Industrial Water Chiller:

  1. Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger
  2. Shell and Tube Type Heat Exchanger

The primary function of both these evaporators is similar, and the difference occurs in the construction and design. You can get good results only if you keep them cleaned and maintained.

Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger of Industrial Water Chiller

Why is it Important to Install a Drier Filter in your Industrial Water Chiller?

It is required to avoid the intrusion of humidity and debris (grease, iron, copper scraps, etc.) during the Industrial Water Chiller cooling cycle.

Moisture is derived chiefly from the trace quantity of water included in recently introduced refrigeration and lubrication and from the air generated by the inspection system.

If moisture is not removed from the system when refrigerant moves across the throttle nozzle (thermal expansion valve). In that case, the water solidifies into ice because of the temperature and pressure drop.

It can cause obstruct the pathway and interfere with its standard operating condition. As a result, this equipment should be equipped with a dryer filter.

Industrial Water Chiller Filter Drier

What is the Purpose of the Cooling Tower for an Industrial Water Chiller?

Your Industrial Water Chiller should function with a cooling tower to ensure optimal cooling performance.

A cooling tower is a structure that employs water as a flowing coolant to gather heat off a system and release it into the atmosphere to cool the water.

The cooling source exchanges coldness and heat with air and water to produce steam, then volatilized. Remove heat via convective heat transfer, evaporative heat dissipation, and radiation heat transfer to disperse waste heat created in the industry.

You can also go for air conditioning and refrigeration to lower the water temperature of the evaporative heat dropping. A cooling tower ensures the regular operation of the cooling water system.

Industrial Water Chiller Cooling Tower

What is the Role of an Expansion Valve in an Industrial Water Chiller?

In addition to the evaporator, condenser, and other essential parts, it also relies on the expansion valve for proper operation.

The thermal expansion valve is a flow controlling valve and a throttle valve in the refrigeration system of your Industrial Water Chiller.

Evaporation encases an expansion valve&#;s temperature sensor package, which is located across the drying filter as well as the evaporator of a refrigeration unit.

As it passes via the thermal expansion valve, it reduces the force of the intense, normal-temperature refrigerant fluid.

This will turn it into low-temperature, low-pressure refrigerant steam vaporized by the evaporator.

Industrial Water Chiller Expansion Valve

How to Solve Different Alarm Conditions of your Industrial Water Chiller?

Flow Alarm

Two leading failure causes for this alarm include blockage in water circulation pipes and deficient water level in the water storage tank of your Industrial Water Chiller.

First, the most suitable approach is to fill the water tank with appropriate water content until it reaches the green area. The other thing is to check and clean the water circulation pipes to clear and clog.

Ultra-High Temperature Alarm

Bad thermolysis, unstable voltage, poor ventilation, and high heat load are some of the failure causes for the activation of this alarm.

This can be resolved by using a voltage regulator, improving inlet and outlet ventilation, and decreasing the heat load.

How to Install your Industrial Water Chiller?

Installing the Industrial Water Chiller is easy if you consider and follow the given steps accurately:

  • Open the packaging and ensure that the machine is in good condition and that all essential accessories are included.
  • Allow cooling water to be injected through the injection port. (take care not to let the water overflow!), Keep an eye on the water level indicator and gradually add water; take care not to let the water overflow.

An adequate volume of cooling water additives should be added to the water (anti-corrosion water aqua) to cool carbon steel equipment.

When working in the frigid north, utilizing noncorrosive antifreeze fluid for your Industrial Water Chiller is preferable.

  • Try connecting the water input and output pipes properly according to the system circumstances.
  • Connect the power cord and put on the power button of your Industrial Water Chiller. (Don&#;t turn the key if there is no water in the storage tank!)
  • When the power switch is switched on, the circulation pump of the device begins to operate.

The first operation may increase bubbling in the tube, resulting in an occasional startling flow, but it will return to normal after a few minutes.

  • Immediately following the initial startup, check for breaks in the water pipe.
  • When the power is turned or when the water temperatures drop below the specified value, it is common for the machine&#;s fans and other components to fail to operate.

The temperature sensor will dynamically regulate the operating parameters of the compressor, magnetic valve, fans, and other components based on the control settings that have been established.

Because it consumes more time to start the compressor and various components, the time varies between seconds and minutes depending on the conditions. Do not turn off and on the power often.

  • Now inspect the water tank&#;s water level.

The first starting of the modern chiller expels air from the water pipe, resulting in a bit of drop in the water level, but sufficient water may be added to maintain the water standard in the green region.

  • Please monitor and record the present water level in your Industrial Water Chiller, and re-inspect it after the device has been running for a long time; if the water level lowers significantly, carefully recheck the water pipeline leaking.
  • Now adjust the temperature controller&#;s specifications.

Typically, users are not required to make any adjustments.

Kindly direct to the controller operating condition and parameter modification section if this is essential.

What are the Troubleshooting Tips for your Industrial Water Chiller?

Some problems commonly experienced by the users and the tips which can help solve these problems are explained below:

Filling the Refrigerant

Whenever gas/refrigerant leaks, you can tell by the low-pressure gauge&#;s function. Additionally, it can generate a low-pressure alarm.

Whether this occurs, we will need to refresh your Industrial Water Chiller with refrigerant. Just follow these instructions to refill a refrigerant:

  • Attach the vacuum pump&#;s air tube to the fluid ejector valve and remove the fluid thimble valve&#;s cover.
  • Just over an hour and a half is needed for this procedure. To start this process, vacuum the Industrial Water Chiller and ensure that the liquid adding ejector valve is linked to a refrigerant line.
  • Then the refrigerant is pumped into the returning pipe to keep track of weight changes on an electronic balance (the fluid refrigerant is severely forbidden when the power is on).
  • When the power is turned on, the high-pressure gauge reads about 13-15 bar, and the low-pressure gauge reads around 3-5 bar, which is standard operating behaviour.

A Blocked Condenser

Sometimes, the overall functioning of your equipment slows down, consuming a lot of extra time to provide cooling. A significant cause is the blockage of the condenser with trapped dirt.

A shell-type condenser is used in the Industrial Water Chiller. Scale builds up inside heat transfer tubes over time, reducing heat transfer efficiency.

Cleaning the condensers is necessary to keep your Industrial Water Chiller operating at its peak efficiency.

Any unnecessary object should be removed from its pipeline, and the rear side should be lifted. Also, its condenser must be discharged when it is not in operation or maintained at a temperature below 0° Fahrenheit.

Clean the evaporator regularly to keep the Industrial Water Chiller running smoothly.

Water Quality

Using hydrogen peroxide to eliminate the bath before using the cooling water is advised if the purification procedure has previously been carried out.

The water-free scale should be checked following the high-pressure water gun has been washed. It has to be passivated once it&#;s been pickled. Purchase of the passivating agent is possible.

How to Increase the Efficiency of your Industrial Water Chiller?

To increase the efficiency of your Industrial Water Chiller, the following points will surely be helpful if implemented properly:

Maintaining Daily Operation Logs

Throughout 24 hours of operation, you should keep logs of your daily activities and the device&#;s performance.

An analysis of daily returns will assist you in determining if there has been a drop in efficiency of your Industrial Water Chiller and thus in the time required for service.

Keeping the Tubes Clean

Keeping the Industrial Water Chiller tubing clean to maximize heat transfer efficiency would be best.

This will ensure that refrigerants and water flow appropriately through the tubing, reducing time and enhancing performance.

Ensuring Leak Free Units

Additionally, you will ensure that all devices are free of leakages, preventing resource waste throughout the cooling operation.

It would be best to evaluate the chiller quarterly to determine whether there is any leakage in the system.

Sustain Treatment of Water

Additionally, you will guarantee that the water purification program is maintained to guarantee that the water is constantly pure and free of contaminants.

Toxins in the water might create difficulties inside the device, lowering the system&#;s total effectiveness.

Analysis of Refrigerants and the Oil

Additionally, you should examine the refrigerants and lubricants over a specific period to ensure their condition.

In such a situation, you will be permitted to perform necessary adjustments and replacements before the expiration of refrigerants and lubricants.

For more information, please visit 10 Ton Water Cooled Chiller.





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