Should you have a Laser Retinal Scan
May. 06, 2024
Should you have a Laser Retinal Scan
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Should you have a laser retinal scan? A lot of people have been asking this question as many eye doctors recommend them. So, to finally answer this question, here are some facts about laser retinal scan, its benefits and when it is recommended.
What is Laser Retinal Scan
Laser retinal scan is a new form of eye scan. It actually takes a photograph of the retina and other parts of the eye. It is a highly advanced technology that can capture hard to detect abnormalities in the retina. It is most often used in diagnosing certain conditions, such as macular degeneration and diabetic eye. In terms of the scanning procedure, it is very simple. It is just a matter of taking picture of the retina so it is also painless.
How Laser Retinal Eye Detect Early Signs of Eye Problems
Due to the clarity of the pictures taken of the retina, the good thing about laser retinal scan is that it can detect even the slight abnormality in the retina that may indicate the start of a certain eye condition. Aside from this, it is also used in the management of certain eye conditions as it can show the progress of the disease. So, in the treatment of a condition or disease, the retinal scan image or picture show the changes in the eye over a period of time or the duration of the treatment.
What Eye Problems Can Laser Retinal Scan Detect
Laser retinal scan can detect some of the most common eye conditions or problems. This includes retinal detachment, holes in the retina, macular degeneration, retinopathy and glaucoma. Aside from these common eye problems, the laser retinal scan can also show signs of high blood pressure, tumors, diabetes and abnormal cholesterol level if the person has them. The laser retinal scan shows a good image of the retina but it cannot see and capture the outside area of the retina. If the eye problem is in these areas, then it cannot detect the eye problem. This is in fact the reason why some doctors do not always recommend a laser retinal scan. if they see the problem occurring outside the retina, then there is no need to have the laser scan.
Should you have a laser retinal scan
There are different types eye exam or diagnostic procedures that doctors use when examining a patient. There are the Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), Fluorescein Angiograph, and of course the traditional eye examination. As a patient, what you should remember is that the traditional eye examination, when conducted by a good eye specialist, is still the best diagnostic procedure. The other diagnostic tools are just tools used by the doctor as a supplement to his initial eye examination. It is best therefore to see a reliable eye specialist. Another thing that you should remember is to see a doctor immediately if you feel that there is something wrong with your vision or eyes. You might want to visit Sugarland Eye & Laser Center in Houston. They specialize in all types of eye problems, diseases and conditions. They use the most advanced diagnostic and treatment tools and procedures, the ones they use for Laser eye surgery or LASIK.
Sugarland Eye & Laser Center leads in providing premium LASIK technologies to Houston, Sugar Land, and the surrounding region. The center’s award-winning medical director introduced revolutionary technologies such as iLASIK to the region. This technology is used by NASA astronauts, Navy SEALS and Air Force fighter pilots. At Sugar Land Eye & Laser Center, you can now receive the same treatment. For more information, please call (281) 240-0478.
How Retinal Imaging Works and Why It's Important
The next time you go for your annual eye checkup, chances are your eye doctor will recommend retinal imaging. This is an additional eye exam that many ophthalmologists are now carrying out. This helps improve the detailed eye exam.
Adding retinal imaging to your eye test may be necessary if you have some conditions. These conditions include diabetes, glaucoma, or age-related macular degeneration. But even if you do not have these eye conditions, retinal imaging can detect severe eye illnesses early and help you protect your vision.
What Is Retinal Imaging?
Retinal imaging or a retinal photograph is a surgery-free and totally safe technique of taking pictures of the back of your eye or retina. The technique allows your eye doctor to have a closer look at your retina, blood vessels, and optic nerve.
There are a few different types of retinal imaging that your eye doctor can use to examine your eye. They include optical coherence tomography (OCT), angiography, and fundus photography. Each of these methods has precise benefits to detecting certain problems in your eye. Your eye doctor will determine the best technique for your specific condition.
How Does Retinal Imaging Work?
Retinal imaging uses low-power lasers to take digital pictures of your retina. The light produced by the lasers goes onto your eye through the pupil. As the light passes through to the retina, it leaves images that are collected by a machine, creating a detailed picture of the retina.
Your eye doctor then looks at these pictures to check what information your retina is revealing about the health of your eye, body, and brain.
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Why Is It Important?
Clearer images of the retina make it easier for your ophthalmologist to teach you about your eye health and wellness. You can look at the retinal pictures together and your doctor can identify the different parts of the retina. Then he or she will explain the eye conditions that the pictures reveal and suggest suitable treatment options.
Retinal imaging can reveal the following eye conditions.
Diabetic retinopathy – Diabetes can hurt the blood vessels in your retina and cause vision loss if not treated.
Glaucoma – This condition causes a buildup of fluid that can damage your optic nerve and cause irreversible vision loss.
Age-macular degeneration – This illness that comes with age can cause blood or fluid to leak into your retina and make your vision blurry.
Cancer – A dark spot in your retina may indicate a melanoma. Melanoma can grow inside your retina without being detected. If detected early, the melanoma can be treated before it causes severe damage and spread to other parts of the body.
Retinal detachment – Retinas can withdraw from the wall of your eye and cause permanent loss of vision if not treated properly.
High blood pressure – Symptoms of high blood pressure usually appear first in the retina. Signs can include thinning of the retinal blood vessels, spots, or bleeding in the retina.
For more on how retinal imaging works and why it is important, visit Brandon Eyes at our offices in Middleton or Madison, Wisconsin. You can call (608) 833-7256 or tel:6088330301(608) 833-0301 today to book an appointment.
For more information, please visit Laser Retinal Imaging.
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