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How many wastewater treatment plants are there in China?

Author: wenzhang1

Jul. 29, 2024

8 Facts on China's Wastewater

China needs to develop its wastewater sector to tackle worsening water pollution. Efforts to improve wastewater treatment infrastructure are obvious: investment in wastewater treatment stood at RMB14 billion in  and under the 12th Five-Year Plan (12FYP), total investment in wastewater treatment and recycling infrastructure in urban areas is expected to reach RMB430 billion, a 20% increase from the previous FYP. Despite these efforts, significant investment is needed to increase treatment rates to reach the target build-out of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) for nearly 300 cities in China which currently do not have such facilities by .

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The outlook of for the wastewater industry is bullish; confirmed by Vice-Minister Zhou Jian of the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) announcing in February that China will spend RMB 2 trillion to tackle water pollution. Here are 8 things you need to know about wastewater in China:

1.    China&#;s wastewater volume is comparable to the Yellow River&#;s annual flow

With the largest population in the world, China is easily the top ranked country by the amount of wastewater produced. In , the total discharge of wastewater in the country amounted to 68.5 billion tonnes which is in volume terms comparable to the annual flow of the Yellow River of 58 billion m3 per annum. Discharged wastewater comprises of discharge from domestic use (e.g. human waste, washing water, urban runoff) and industrial wastewater. These are often labelled &#;point-source pollution&#; as there are specific points where the wastewater is discharged. Contrary to point-source wastewater, nonpoint-source wastewater comes from diffused sources such as agriculture, land runoff, precipitation, drainage and seepage, etc.

2.     China&#;s wastewater pipe network can circle the earth 10x

China&#;s wastewater pipe network totals more than 414,000 km in length2, equivalent to more than 10x the Earth&#;s Equator at 40,075 km. It is quality and not quantity that the pipe network is lacking. Unlike the water supply sector with better established pipes, the wastewater infrastructure is less developed due to lagging construction of wastewater and sewage pipelines3. Not surprising, expansion of the wastewater pipe network is on the cards as per the 12FYP. Last year, the Beijing Municipal government led the way and announced its plans to build 1,121 km of wastewater pipelines (see our review here). Given rising urbanization rates in China, it is important for the government to get municipal wastewater treatment right.

3.     Rising urbanization = rise in domestic wastewater

Total wastewater discharged has increased by 65% from 41.5 billion tonnes in to 68.5 billion tonnes in , and is projected to keep growing with rising urbanisation and increasing affluence of the country. Indeed, the graph below shows a rising trend in domestic wastewater discharge that reflects a similar rise in urbanisation rates during -:

The graph also clearly shows that the growth in domestic wastewater discharge has outpaced the growth in industrial wastewater discharge. By domestic wastewater discharge accounted for around 68% of the total wastewater discharge.

Meanwhile, China&#;s urbanisation rate has also grown at a fast pace: from 36% to 53% over the same period. Given an expected urbanization rate of 60% forecasted by the UN, by , domestic wastewater volumes are expected to rise accordingly.  Industrial wastewater on the other hand appears under-reported&#;

4.     Industrial wastewater discharge appears to be under-reported!

Industrial water has been falling since despite rising contribution by industry to China&#;s GDP which points towards the fact that industrial water is likely under-reported (see graph).

Also, low official records of industrial wastewater discharge could be due to the current mismatch in the environmental water quality standards and the wastewater discharge standards. Please see Professor Ma Zhong, the Dean of the Environmental School at Renmin University&#;s in-depth views on industrial wastewater standards and pricing here.

5.     Key wastewater pollutants measured in the 12FYP

The government keeps tabs on the following key pollution emissions in wastewater: Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Ammonia Nitrogen (NH4), Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, Petroleum, Volatile Phenol, Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Hexavalent Chromium, Total Chromium and Arsenic.  However, only 7 of these have target reduction levels in the 12FYP:

Heavy metal pollution is primarily from industry (although some are from run-offs from landfill and agriculture); whilst agriculture accounts for the largest portion of COD and NH4 emissions. Last year, the government officially linked heavy metal pollution to cancer villages (more on this here).

To tackle water pollution, the government is trying to increase penalties for violations, name & shame SOEs, introduce Water & Soil Pollution Prevention & Control Work Plans as well as add the following industry-specific standards in (for the full list of government policy review during -, see here):

      • Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Ammonia Industry (Mar )
      • Effluent Standards of Water Pollutants for Citric Acid Industry (Mar )
      • Prevention & Control of Pollution from Large-scale Breeding of Livestock & Poultry (Nov )
      • Standard for Pollution Control on Co-processing Solid Wastes in Cement Kiln (Dec )
      • Emission Standard of Pollutants for the Battery Industry (Dec )
      • Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Leather & Fur Making Industry (Dec )

Some standards are even more stringent than the ones in developed countries, whereas some high polluting industries have yet to establish their industry-specific discharge standards. Some regions have also established their own local discharge standards for water pollutants (e.g. Beijing, Guangdong and Liaoning), or special discharge limits to water pollutants in certain environmentally sensitive water bodies such as the troubled Lake Tai Basin.

6.     Rural double whammy: lower water treatment rates & prone to agri pollution

Agriculture is a major contributor to nonpoint-source pollution. Indeed, agriculture has been widely acknowledged by officials as the largest single contributing sector to pollution. Since , the Ministry of Land Resources, Ministry of Agriculture & the Ministry of Environmental Protection have been conducting joint surveys on pollution. This first national survey on pollution sources showed that agriculture accounted for around 50% of water pollution. As can be seen from the charts below, agriculture is the single largest sector contributing to COD and NH4 pollution:

Agricultural water pollution in rural areas is compounded by low treatment rates of wastewater domestic households. Rural wastewater infrastructure is even more underdeveloped than their urban counterparts and access to centralized wastewater treatment is mostly unavailable. A World Bank study shows that rural wastewater treatment rate is far behind that of urban wastewater treatment, and that typically wastewater is simply dumped into farmland and rivers. According to local news, the current rural treatment rate is reported to be as low as 6%4, while the rate in urban areas is 77.5% for cities. As per the 12FYP, the wastewater treatment rate is expected to reach 85% for cities, 70% for counties and 30% for townships. In addition, as Premier Li Keqiang said on 5 March , the government will also &#;solve the safe drinking water issue for more than 63 million people in rural areas&#;.

&#;.solve the safe drinking water issue for more than 63 million people in rural areas.

Premier Li Keqiang

7.     A 101 on wastewater treatment technologies used in China

The predominant treatment processes in China are Conventional Activated Sludge Process (CASP) and treatments based on CASP, namely Oxidation Ditch (OD), Sequencing Batch Reactors (SBR), Anaerobic/Anoxic/Oxic (AAO), Anoxic-Oxic (AO) processes (the listing order is descending in popularity). Less widely used are biofilm processes, membrane bioreactors (MBR), natural biologic treatment systems (e.g. constructed wetland) and anaerobic biologic treatment systems.5

&#;A particular treatment technology is chosen depending on wastewater composition, affordability and other factors.&#;

A particular treatment technology is chosen depending on wastewater composition, affordability and other factors. For example, OD is resistant to shock loadings and excess sludge production, AAO and AO are a technology of choice for high performance of nutrient removal whereas SBR is preferred for the treatment of domestic wastewater in rural areas and wastewater from industrial enterprises.

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Another issue is sludge disposal. Most municipal WWTPs don&#;t have excess sludge stabilization systems. The excess sludge is only treated through dewatering and/or thickening and is mainly disposed in landfills. Only a small portion of WWTPs actually reuse sludge in agriculture and other industries6 (read our review on sludge here).

If wastewater discharge standards are tightened and wastewater treatment and discharge fees are raised, then more advanced wastewater treatment technologies (e.g. membrane reverse osmosis application to industrial wastewater reused onsite) and possibly for the very costly zero liquid discharge (ZLD) systems for industrial wastewater sector will become economically viable.

In the meantime, there is also the prevailing problem of underutilization of WWTPs in the country&#;

8.     More waste & cheaper to pollute = time for regulatory reform?

As of , there are 3,836 wastewater treatment facilities in urban areas with a total operational capacity of 0.149 billion m3/day7. This is a vast improvement over the last three decades when wastewater was just dumped back into nature untreated &#; in , there were only about 20 small capacity wastewater treatment facilities in China8. Treatment rates improved dramatically and have reached 77.5% in the cities, 60.1% for counties to < 20% for townships by the end of . 12FYP targets expect treatment rates to increase to 85% in urban areas, 70% for counties and 30% for townships by .

Although the wastewater treatment rate has been increasing, it is hard to tell the real treatment rate given the fact that some WWTPs do not fully operate or even do not operate at all after completion, and some also suffer from under-developed supporting infrastructure such as incomplete sewage pipelines. Some plants are simply not turned on as electricity costs are high. Under-utilisation has been officially recognized by some provinces which have targets for improving utilization rates of existing wastewater plants as well as building new ones.

&#;The stark truth is that it is cheaper to pollute than to clean up. This is a result of systemic issues in wastewater pricing and discharge standards.&#;

The stark truth is that it is cheaper to pollute than to clean up. This is a result of systemic issues in wastewater pricing and discharge standards. So despite a high number of recorded pollution violations (see our previous notice here), companies will still continue to pollute not only because the fines imposed for pollution are still relatively low, but because it is currently cheaper to discharge untreated wastewater than to install & use the wastewater treatment equipment. Inadequacies in industrial water pricing, inconsistencies in discharge and water quality standards as well as inefficient tariff collection system are all discussed at length with Professor Ma Zhong, the Dean of the Environmental School at Renmin University here.

Inadequate wastewater pricing also means that some WWTPs are operating at a loss. In , 25% of WWTPs operated at a financial loss and had to rely on government subsidies. Although, there has been recent announcements by the NDRC indicating guidance at a national level on tariff reforms of the Water Resource Fee including the implementation of tiered urban tariff systems, indication at a national level regarding wastewater treatment and/or discharge fees is yet to be seen &#; more on this in &#;War on Pollution&#;.

There are clearly significant challenges ahead in wastewater pricing and discharge standards reform if the government is indeed serious about cleaning up water pollution. Indeed if wastewater pricing and standards were comprehensively revised, not only will the upside to the wastewater treatment sector be significant, China&#;s water quality will also materially improve. Watch this space!

Further reading

1 National Bureau of Statistics of China, China Statistical Yearbook

2 National Bureau of Statistics
5 Guo Jingbo et al. Systematical strategies for wastewater treatment and the generated wastes and greenhouse gases in China. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, , 6(2): 271&#;279
6 Li Wen-Wei et al. China&#;s wastewater discharge standards in urbanization. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, , 19: &#;
7 MEP, Notice on list of urban wastewater treatment infrastructure for Year , 24 April ,

8 Dana Medianu and John Whalley. Water availability as a constraint on China&#;s future growth, June ,

China's 13th Five Year Plan: What Role Will Wastewater Play?

With the Water Ten guidelines now set, how will they impact China&#;s investment into wastewater in the 13th Five Year Plan?

By Tin Siao Soh

The fact that China&#;s rapid social and economic development is resulting in the degradation of the ecological environment is not news anymore. Water pollution is just one of the environmental challenges facing China&#;s policy makers. Just how serious is the problem? According to statistics from the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), around 32.5 percent of China&#;s seven major river systems and 29.2 percent of China&#;s major basins do not meet the prevailing water quality standards (grade III and below) in .

This has been largely due to the long history of unfettered emission of untreated/under-treated industrial, agriculture as well as domestic wastewater into these water bodies. Not only this, investments in wastewater treatment facilities have been both lacking and lagging behind. In the 12th Five Year Plan (FYP) period, investments into treating wastewater have decreased, even as investments into cleaning up industrial air emission have increased substantially. In a bid to reverse this, the Chinese government amended the new environmental protection law and imposed a set of &#;Water Ten&#; guidelines in . In this article, we will explore the 13th Five Year Plan on Urban Sewage Treatment and Water Recycling Facilities Planning (FYP) and the impacts and new opportunities it might bring.

PART I - Sector Overview

China&#;s wastewater treatment industry broadly covers the treatment of influent, sewage treatment and water recycling (mainly non-potable, for irrigation or industrial water reuse).

In , around 74 billion tons of wastewater was discharged by China&#;s population, industrial users and other commercial users. Of this, around 67 percent came from the municipal (mainly household) sector, 25 percent came from industrial sectors and 8 percent came from other centralized pollution control facilities. More wastewater is discharged by provinces along China&#;s coastal and Yangtze River economic belt provinces than the inland ones. Despite being a coastal province, Tianjin&#;s wastewater discharge volume is notably lower. This is because many of China&#;s first large scale municipal wastewater treatment projects were built there.

After used water is being discharged by households or industries, Chinese law requires that the wastewater be collected and treated before being released into the waterways. But in reality, few factories do so conscientiously because of the high cost involved. In earlier years, there were even reports of local governments halting the operations of their wastewater plants to save costs.

Municipal wastewater treatment is typically undertaken by local governments, especially in the urban areas. Industrial wastewater treatment, on the other hand, is often done in-factory or in centralized treatment facilities located within industrial parks. Other commercial entities like tourist attractions or holiday resorts, nursing homes, airports or railway stations may sometimes have their own wastewater treatment facilities, in which case, they have been classified in the third broad category. Because the demand in this sector is relatively fragmented, official statistics on the installed base for this sector are not available.

Installed Base &#; Municipal Wastewater Treatment Market

According to the NDRC, China&#;s urban municipal wastewater collection network by end comprises of around 540,000 km of drainage pipelines, with sewage, rainwater and other combined sewage pipes accounting for 42 percent, 38 percent and 20 percent respectively. There are around 1,944 municipal wastewater treatment plants across China&#;s city/urban regions and 1,599 municipal wastewater treatment plants across China&#;s counties, accounting for daily processing capacities of 140 and 29 million cubic meters respectively. Higher concentrations of these are located along China&#;s coastal provinces like Guangdong, Shandong and Jiangsu, as well as in provinces that are located along the Yangtze River.

In , only 11.4 percent of China&#;s villages had access to wastewater treatment facilities. Beyond the villages, only about 7 percent to 25 percent of China&#;s towns and townships had these facilities. The penetration rates of wastewater treatment facilities in China&#;s rural or suburban areas were still relatively low.

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