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Do I Need to Plug My Laptop in the AC Power All the Time?

Author: Minnie

Jul. 02, 2024

Do I Need to Plug My Laptop in the AC Power All the Time?

  • While a laptop can feasibly run perpetually while plugged in to AC power, it's bad for the laptop and lithium-based battery in the long run. It's a case of "if you don't use it, you lose it" with battery capacity: power cycling, or draining the battery from full to empty, helps prevent long-term damage to an always charged battery. HP and Apple recommend power cycling the laptop's battery at least once per month to keep it from losing capacity. Leaving a battery discharged or fully charged for long periods of time can be bad for the device. If you're storing a laptop for long periods of time -- like six months or more -- you can preserve the battery by charging it to 50 percent before placing the device in storage.

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